Sunday, January 9, 2011

Friday, April 03, 2009

Friday, April 03, 2009
Allison broke her collarbone
So the girls were playing on the couch i got up and went to the computer really quick to have a smoke. hadn't even turned for a min and Allison fell off the couch. i seen her start to fall tried to get to her in time and didn't. She was screaming and crying I tried all I could do to calm her down and couldn't. I called my mom told her I think I need to take her to the hospital and then called Josh at work to let him know what I was doing..While I was trying to get Allison dressed I went to put her arm in her sleeve and she started screaming and shaking really bad.. Well Josh ended up calling and telling me he was coming home, so my mom just took Kenzie and we took Allison to the hospital.. They took x-rays of her and come to find out she broke her collar bone. I just can't figure out how she did it.The fall from the couch to the floor isn't that far, yes it's a fall but I feel freaking horrible as heck! Anyway I think they were thinking I did it on purpose till when they told us that it was broke I started bawling my eyes out cause that just made me feel even worse about the whole situation. They realized it was an accident that I wasn't trying to harm my child! But now she's got to keep her arm wrapped down and cant move her left arm so her collar bone can heal. UMMM hello she's 10 months old how in the heck to you keep a very mobile child from moving??? But they gave us pain medsfor her to help. So hopefully the 4-6weeks they said it will take for it to heal will go quick! I sure hope so. I don't know how i'm even gonna be able to deal with this! I feel like the worst mom in the world that it even happened. Seriously I should freaking know she fell off the couch before and Josh has yelled at me IDK how many times not to let her play on the couch unless I'm right there. UGH I just want to scream, crawl in a dark room and bawl my eyes out even more!!! I just feel so horrible.

May 10th - July 31st 2008

Copying from myspace. :)

May 10th 2008..
We had another beautiful baby girl Allison Louise Lambert. She was 8lbs 6oz 21in long.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Allison’s 2 month Check up and Shots Current mood: sleepy
Well she is now 23in long and 10lbs 6oz. Getting bigger! She also got her shots and oh my gosh i wanted to cry with her!! I have nor has Josh has ever heard her scream the way she did when they gave her the shots!!! I felt so bad for her. Mackenzie was calm and told Allison it'll be okay. Then she screamed she wanted a sucker. LOL what a big sister! Ditch the little one for a sucker. :)

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Well Kenzie is being the normal 3 year old with an attitude lately. LOL Jealous of Alli I am assuming, but I try to give her a little more attention when Alli is sleeping, but doesn't seem to work. :( Guess it will just take time for her to get used to not getting 100% of the attention everyday. She is doing a lot better with helping keep her stuff picked up, and really likes helping with Allison! We've been trying to get her to learn more stuff on the computer! Bought her a couple games, and she likes to draw ... :) She actually draws .. better then I can. LOL She is really becoming independent! She don't want anyone to help her with getting dressed anymore. Which is really cute when she picks out her own outfits! There was one day she had army pants and an inside out flower shirt. It was so cute! ( I should have taken a picture.) But as most of you have seen she has been camera shy! Not sure why, but she runs from the camera. She is really picking up on the sign language from her movies! Which I think is awesome!! She knows more sign language then I do! LOL We've been working on her writing skills. She is getting really good at that! At least when it comes to the alphabet, numbers not so much, but she's 3! LOL

Allison has been doing good! She doesn't throw up as much after eating. ( I quit taking my prenatal vitamins, and now she's better) Imagine that one? LOL She now rolls over on her tummy and also figured out how to roll back on her back. Now she is rolling all over the place! LOL She is a quick learner!!! Still saying Ah goo like crazy! :) More smiles, and grins through out the day! Still loves to watch Kenzie and really loves it when Kenzie plays with her! She is growing so fast! I've been putting her in her jumper and she loves it, at least for about 10 min, then gets tired of it and wants to roll around on the floor. She pretty much sleeps through the whole night, only wakes up 1 time a night to eat! She is still teething, just not breaking any teeth through yet! Kenzie did it till she was like 8 months old! LOL